Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Less secretive than Area 51 (and more fun!)

The Area IV Annual Meeting in Chicago took place over the March 1-2 weekend. OPPA made a good showing, represented by 4 members: MIT Committee chair Rob Sekhon, as well as Kelly Blankenship, Solomon Zaraa, and Marianne Jhee attended.

Dr. Jeff Akaka, Speaker of the American Psychiatric Association's Assembly, also attended the meeting. He was able to give residents and fellows some very valuable insight into how politics and psychiatry can impact each other.

The meeting addressed not only administrative issues, but also prominent issues that concern today's psychiatrists. MITs were able to discuss various issues such as the health parity bill with with more experienced members and also with one of Congressman Bobby Rush's staff.

And of course, it was a great experience just to be able to discuss residency, psychiatry, and life in general, with fellow MITs and more experienced members throughout the region.

Last, but not least of all, the OPPA MIT was honored with Sorum awards for both individual (congrats to Dr. Kelly Blankenship!) and for District Branch MIT committee! Looks like other APA members have taken notice of some of the projects (like the this blog!!) we have underway. Way to go OPPA!

1 comment:

R S Sekhon said...

LOL great post marianne